Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Senior Moments

The season isn't done, but I want to share a few thoughts about the Class of 2013.  Ralph Labella and I had the good fortune to coach many of these girls for three enjoyable years in middle school, where they were extremely successful both in the Middlesex League and in the River Valley 'A' League.

In fact, they held their own against some of the teams which are among the best in the North, winning some and coming up short sometimes.

Ashley Baldwin - In addition to being a terrific athlete, Ashley told me that she enjoyed reading a book I recommended "In These Girls Hope is a Muscle." Ashley always cared. Ashley has always been a competitor and has been a three sport athlete at Melrose. She is an outstanding softball player as well.

Brooke Bell - Brooke has had a wonderful athletic career at Melrose, successful in basketball and outstanding (D2 Player of the Year) in volleyball. Brooke's left-handed, and that shows up as Brooke being Brooke. She is an excellent defender and a leader among her peers. I'm sure that we'll hear a lot more about her athletic career going forward.

Sydney Doherty - Syd has always been one of the favorite players I've coached. She began as an athletic player, with limited skills, and became a dominant player in Middle School, scoring in the twenties on numerous occasions. She has that 'touch' around the basket. Things haven't always gone her way, including a variety of injuries, but she remains the same positive, pleasant young person. And like Brooke and Kayla, she has a volleyball state championship ribbon on her resume'.

Shannon Lahiff - Shannon has always had a good head for the game, with good anticipation. She had a half dozen assists in a game on several occasions. I'll always remember that she sent me a note thanking me for coaching that helped her become a varsity player. Classy.

Kayla Wyland - Kayla has become a dominant player in the Middlesex League. I haven't seen every player on every team (almost), but she is right up there with the Healy/Coppola/Kelly upper echelon. If you had to pick a Melrose 'best twelve' over the past dozen years, she has a definite argument to be in that conversation with her scoring, rebounding, and shot blocking. Her father reminded me that I once said that "her arms are so long, she can tie her shoes without bending over." And like all her teammates, she is a first class person.

Bill Parcells used to say "you are what your record is."  I disagree.

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